The design project endeavors to explore from sketch ideas the design concepts that embody the new vision of an identity for the Hong Kong Institute of Architects. Embracing a policy of “Sustainable Development” is especially challenging as the pace of change in Hong Kong and its Architecture.

REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE are the guiding principles used to structure the architectural notions in a way through which the address of the issue of sustainability becomes realized in this project.

The principles of “Reduce” though is best embodied in the way it structures the relationship between architecture and program.  Often, several functions have been combined into one element.  Also some spaces can be used at different times for different programmatic purposes.  Most of the furniture from the old premise has been reused in the new one.  Additionally, materials have been selected which are reused or reusable, if not, hopefully, recyclable.

New life of this premise is just beginning with it’s hand-over to the committee members, visitors and the staff.  As the design is not based on a typical one function-one room approach, but on a flowing spatial arrangement allowing for multiple and shared programmatic spaces, it carries inherently within its design the ability to creatively accommodate other uses dreamed up by others allowing their participation in the continuing design of the space.